商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | 网址:sdlcgjmy.qy6.com 聊城高端礼品定制生产厂家/婚庆礼品定制厂家/龙彻国际_山东龙彻国际贸易有限公司 手机站
联系人:张经理 先生 (经理)
电 话:0531-82827969
手 机:17862963874





  The high-end business conference gifts need to meet the following requirements. 1, the characteristics of high-end business conference gifts are small size, light weight, easy to carry 2, practical and distinctive, and integrate the connotation of enterprise culture. 3, high-end business conference gifts need to be designed by the gift company, according to the best publicity effect design, we must have impact enterprise LOGO details.


  Conference activities have been widely carried out because of the help of information transmission and communication. For a conference, careful planning and arrangement can not satisfactorily explain the integrity of the conference.


  And a warm, high-end business conference gifts, not only can give the participants good wishes and long aftertaste, but also can reflect the care and wish of the sponsor, and enhance the effect of the meeting, therefore, it is indispensable.


  To commemorate the main purpose of the celebrations and commendation conferences, the best standard of the gift selection of the high grade business conference: long preservation time, suitable for display on the table or on the wall, with a certain collection value or value of use, it is best to have a certain symbol and relevance.

山东龙彻国际贸易有限公司(18560033432)成立于2015年, 注册资本501万元,现已ISO9001质量管理体系认证。是以提供客户全方位优质服务,是集设计、开发于一体的综合性的礼品公司,经营产品涉及电子产品、工艺品、家居纺织日用品、食品及各种不同价位档的礼品自选册等近百大类、万余种

张经理 先生 (经理)  
电  话: 0531-82827969
传  真: 0531-82827969
移动电话: 17862963874
公司地址: 中国山东济南市山东省济南市天桥区北园大街338号豪鲁电子商厦4F-1室
邮  编: 240000
公司主页: http://sdlcgjmy.qy6.com(加入收藏)

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张经理 先生 (经理) 电话:0531-82827969 传真:0531-82827969

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