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General Taxpayer Application General Taxpayer Application//General Taxpayer Application

公 司: 广州顾邦企业管理有限公司 
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女士 (咨询顾问)
电  话: 020-38888985
传  真: 020-38888990
手  机: 18926120863
地  址: 中国广东广州市天河区天河路490号壬丰大厦东厅3305室
邮  编: 51000
公 司:广州顾邦企业管理有限公司



    General Taxpayer Application

On 10th February 2010, China’s State Administration of Taxation (SAT) issued Decree [2010] No. 22 "Administrative Measures for Value Added Tax (VAT) General Taxpayer Recognition" (the New Recognition Measures), which replace the old recognition measures issued in 1993.

Who is eligible for VAT general taxpayer status?
According to related regulations, the official thresholds for qualification as a VAT general taxpayer are:
Manufacturing enterprises (enterprises engaged or mainly engaged in goods production or taxable service provision) with an estimated annual taxable turnover exceeding RMB500,000
Other types of enterprises (enterprises where at least 50 percent of their income comes from the wholesale or retail of goods) with an estimated annual taxable turnover exceeding RMB800,000

w to apply for the general taxpayer status?
Businesses can only apply for the VAT general taxpayer status at the very end of the incorporation process, that is, once all the post-registrations are completed with the relevant government agencies/authorities. The procedures of application can vary from city to city, but the application process is largely as follows:
Download the VAT General Taxpayer Application Form here and fill it out
Submit the application form, required documents (see the list of required documents below) and processing fee of RMB50 to the local office of the SAT
Applications are normally processed within 30 days of receipt, after which all documents will be returned
Tax officials may interview the applicant and conduct working site inspection
​Successful applicants will be given a VAT General Taxpayer Verification Form to be completed and returned purchase license will be issued and a printer can then be purchased
It should be noted that the general taxpayer status will be reviewed annually and applicants will not be reverted to small-scale taxpayer status in the future

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