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油缸油嘴自动焊接专机/泰安扬帆数控 油缸油嘴自动焊接专机/泰安扬帆数控//油缸油嘴自动焊接专机/泰安扬帆数控

公 司: 泰安扬帆数控科技有限公司 
联系人:卜经理 先生 加为商友
  联系信息 企业信息
卜经理 先生 (总经理)
电  话: 0538-5358300
传  真: 0538-5358300
手  机: 13345281377
地  址: 中国山东济南市山东省泰安市东平县东平工业园区
邮  编: 250000
公 司:泰安扬帆数控科技有限公司



  The seam welder and the straight seam welder from the literal understanding, is easy to give artificial to belong to the "welding machine" false image, that is, "welding power". Baidu encyclopedia defines them as follows: 1, welders are electrical appliances that provide certain power for welding; 2, welding equipment includes welding machines, welding process equipment and welding aids. It is not difficult to see that the commonly used girth welding machines and longitudinal welding machines belong to the category of welding equipment, but they are only part of them, that is, welding process equipment (machines) and welding aids (fixtures).
  As the name suggests, girth welding machine is to weld, press and soldered the joint of ring or circumferential seam. The straight seam welder is welding, welding and brazing for straight butt or lap joint. So the welding machine, machine and welding jig can be combined into a complete welding equipment. But the manufacturers that produce welders basically do not produce machines; in turn, the manufacturers of the machines do not have the ability to produce welding machines. Unless some well-known brands of welder manufacturers, they will independently set up a special welding manipulator factory, but it does not belong to the same system.

泰安扬帆数控科技有限公司(咨询电话 0538-5358300)座落在风景秀丽的泰山脚下,东平湖畔,东临泰山,西依黄河,南与孔孟故里相望。京沪高铁、济广高速公路贯穿而

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